Monday, September 18, 2023

Mothman: Demonic vs. Positive, Spirits and More

Working on raising my vibration and developing my psychic medium abilities. Communicating with spirit -- with non-human entities, animals, supernatural beings -- all the while being very aware of not inviting in negative energies.

Also, Mothman. I’ve never encountered Mothman but intuitively have felt that this being is, at best, neutral, and probably positive. Not the negative evil demon type creature many believe. Some witnesses have encountered a winged humanoid being that is scary and evil and have called it Mothman. I don’t think those are the same entity.

Mothman, pencil, Regan Lee

On FB yesterday Andy Colvin (Mothman’s Photographer, etc.) posted a couple of pages from Nick Redfern’s new book on Mothman; Mothman and Other Flying Monsters: Nuclear Nightmares and Armageddon.

I haven’t yet read Nick’s book (just bought the Kindle version)  but reading those two pages had me wondering why Redfern went in that direction. The title implies negative omens of a very near post apocalyptic future.


I also listened to the last half hour of his interview on Coast to Coast last night with George Knapp. All about doom, gloom, nuclear devastation, end of the world -- JHC, what is going on in people’s heads?

Then I dreamt:

I have a little furry creature friend. Sort of like a ferret, a kitten, a fox. Suddenly, it turns on me and is both beating me up and raping me. I am screaming my head off, fighting it but it is too strong. I wonder why no one is coming to help me. I feel something bite the back of my neck. Some invisible thing. The creature is on top of me, something behind me bites my neck. I try to call 911 but the phone is dead. Finally, it stops and I go out into the other room, My mother (who is deceased)  is there. I yell at her, “Why didn’t you help me?!” She smirks and says “I thought you were having great sex, as usual, you wanton thing.” I ask her why she thinks that when I’m yelling “Help!” and “Rape!” Then she says she’s the one who bit my neck. I am so angry! She is very proud of herself for biting my neck.

I leave and now I’m on a farm, inside a barn. I’m watching someone doing something, not sure what, but I am uncomfortable. This ferret-fox-kitten creature is lurking around. Things are about to get bad. Then about five or six women appear. They whisk me out of there and we run over open ground. Something is chasing us. I can barely keep up but they help me. We run up a hill that is made of white glass or crystal beads. It’s easy though, surprisingly. The people or things chasing us can’t make it up the hill. We come down the other side; the glass beads are soft, makes it easy for us. Something about the beads repels the others. Only these women, and myself because I’m with them, can navigate this hill of crystal beads.



We come down the hill and it’s a lovely landscape. The women tell me that I’m safe now, and that I will always be safe because, no matter where I am they will be there watching and protecting me.

This morning, I check my Facebook and the first ad that pops up is for a course in developing psychic and mediumnistic skills.

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